5 Disruptive Digital Technologies Shaping our Future

What is Disruptive Digital Technology? Disruptive digital technology is an innovation that disrupts and supersedes the existing technology, thereby significantly altering the pattern of the operations of industries, business enterprises, or consumer behavior with its superior attributes. This term disruptive technology was defined and popularized by Clayton M Christensen in 1997. History has witnessed the evolution of disruptive technologies from time to time. Think of how the intervention of digital imaging displaced the conventional Kodak films. Likewise, economies get disrupted by such innovations and tend to adapt and evolve in due course. The change is inevitable. Technologies keep changing, so is our way of life. Disruptive digital technologies for tomorrow: Disruptive digital technology is transforming every industry. Microsensors, ‘smart’ gadgets, A.I., nanomaterials, and cloud computing are innovative technologies transforming the world. Let’s take a look at five di...