What are the Stages of Design Thinking?

When looking for solutions, it is common to fall into already known techniques. Proven strategies are a good guide for digital projects, but there is always no room to innovate and create new options if they are used. Design Thinking is a new approach to work that helps us look for intelligent solutions to our client's problems based on empathy and interactivity. It is an action model adopted by giants such as Sony and Apple, taught at international universities such as Harvard and Stanford, which, when properly applied, generates excellent results for businesses in any field, size or structure. What is Design Thinking? Design thinking is a non-linear iterative process that seeks to understand users, challenge assumptions, redefine problems, and create innovative solutions for prototypes and tests. It is focused on the end-user. While many applications are inspired by the need to sell products, designers cannot think from a business perspective. Design thinking also encompas...