7 Ways to be More Innovative and Creative for Your Organization

Wondering how to stay productive and progressive in your workplace? Well, innovation is the primary factor responsible for sustaining your position in the market and set you apart from the competition. Not only it improves employee efficiency it also stimulates the overall operations of an organization. For example, regular meetings should be held with them, open debates or discussions should be conducted. This will instil confidence and encourage them to bring innovation and creativity at work . There is a need to constantly promote the activities to encourage innovation directly proportional to employee engagement in an organization.As estimated via 2020 engagement and modern workplace report by Bonusly, the more engaged employees tend to work 2.9 times more innovatively and actively in their organization. Therefore, if you are looking for ways to be more innovative and creative for your organization, we have listed them down. They are - Encourage the freshers: The m...