Disruptive Innovation Examples that Transformed Industries

Disruptive innovation is when a new business enters a market, disrupts and outperforms the dominant companies, and eventually transforms the market or how consumers interact with it. Some Disruptive Innovation examples are Tesla and Netflix. Disruptive Innovation begins with a new company recognising an unmet market gap or a segment of the previously ignored population. They will then provide an alternate product or service that is generally more accessible and economical, allowing them to reach customers who had previously been overlooked. Disruptive Innovation Examples Here is a list of brands that are best considered as disruptive innovation examples . 1. Tesla This is a corporation that pushes the pursuit of cutting-edge technology and long-term sustainability to new heights. Tesla is not just the world's most reputable electric car company, but they're also pushing the limits of what vehicles can accomplish by literally sending them into space. Tesla also has its ...