
Social Innovation for Sustainable Living

Human beings are adaptive species. When our ancestors came on earth millions of years ago, the place was already inhabited by other species and kinds of organisms. However, as we began evolving and began using social innovation, we got the edge over others around us. The comfortable life we are living today is an outcome of thousands of prior generations' hard work and efforts. Thus, the responsibility to construct a sustainable environment for our future generations falls on our shoulders.  Now, what is social innovation? - It consists of various methods to fulfill the arising needs of a developing society. The concept is universally applicable and has multiple definitions. As a field, it is interdisciplinary, involving a wide range of topics.  Evolution of Social Innovation for Sustainable Living  Social innovation is not the latest trend. Humans have been practicing this since the dawn of time. Millions of years ago, ape-like humans first discovered the use of fire and stones. T

What is Retail Innovation?

In the modern world, corporate strategy relies upon innovation. However, business is more than just simple innovations and designs. A firm must understand and implement innovative approaches to achieve the best results amongst customers while also gaining market share. Read on to find out about retail marketing and its importance.   What is Retail Innovation?  Technological advancements have proven to increase the marketing techniques for a company. According to research, around 73 percent of consumers purchase products and services through multiple platforms. Modern retailers strive to understand their customers and give them the right products and services while also meeting them through channels and devices they use. Retail innovation is all about developing products and modifying them in a manner that is most suitable for their customers.  New developments or advancements in technology, services, goods, or business systems are examples of innovation. It provides convenience and va

How Design Thinking in Business Works?

The world is growing at a full-tilt so are the businesses. One has to deal with changing business dynamics and must master the skill of crisis management. Building communication and connection with your clients can help your business grow and, using tools like design thinking in business make your job easy.  What is Design Thinking?  Design thinking is a skill that helps you solve problems in a user-centric manner. Business is not an easy job; you must know your stakeholders and study their context and culture to deal with them. Design thinking helps you understand your clients and users better. It not only helps you question the problem but also helps you find potential solutions.  Design thinking in businesses today has become a necessary tool. Today, many firms have adopted it irrespective of their fields as it helps you find solutions to complex problems. How Design Thinking in Business Works? What is the need for it? Design thinking in business helps you expand your network. It a

What are the Stages of Design Thinking?

When looking for solutions, it is common to fall into already known techniques. Proven strategies are a good guide for digital projects, but there is always no room to innovate and create new options if they are used.  Design Thinking is a new approach to work that helps us look for intelligent solutions to our client's problems based on empathy and interactivity. It is an action model adopted by giants such as Sony and Apple, taught at international universities such as Harvard and Stanford, which, when properly applied, generates excellent results for businesses in any field, size or structure. What is Design Thinking? Design thinking is a non-linear iterative process that seeks to understand users, challenge assumptions, redefine problems, and create innovative solutions for prototypes and tests. It is focused on the end-user. While many applications are inspired by the need to sell products, designers cannot think from a business perspective.  Design thinking also encompasses i

MBA in Innovation? Is it a wise choice?

If you consider yourself to have an entrepreneurial mind and always think of innovative ideas, you may find value in earning an MBA in Innovation. Through this course, students will acquire the tools they need to bring their business ideas to life and put them into action. Even people already in the business world can find value in earning a master's degree in innovation.  Moreover, organizations that previously saw MBA in innovation only as an alternative for differentiation now realize it as a guarantee for their survival. Brief about MBA in Innovation What is an MBA in innovation? It is a program designed to help individuals perform an essential job function and bring fresh and revolutionary ideas to the table. Not only that, but students must also be able to develop leadership skills and learn to make better business decisions while they are earning their degrees. Additional skills that students can learn more about include ethical decision-making, creativity, teamwork, commun

What is Customer Centric Innovation?

Customer-Centric Innovation in Business  A product is introduced in the market when an organization assesses a gap between the needs of the consumer and the market that they can fill. Although businesses want to get the maximum profit from these products or services, the primary focus remains on providing goods or services to meet the customer’s demands and resolve their issues.  What is customer-centric innovation?  Customer centric innovation is product innovation, with the customer being at the heart of the process. In this approach of business innovation, the focus is given to customer needs, satisfaction and feedback. A customer-centric innovation would imply that the organization will actively work to create better products for its consumer base based on the following questions:  What do customers like about our product? What can we do better? What is an unnecessary or not updated feature you would recommend about our product? How to create customer-centric innovation? To create

Ways to Innovate Your Business Model

Any company wishes to do profitable business, laying out a business model is a core strategy to achieve this goal. However, suppose a business fails to revamp and update its business model with the changing trends in the industry or the world in general. In that case, you can be assured that the company will not sustain itself in the highly competitive market for long. What is a business model? The business model of a company refers to the company’s detailed plan that drives its members and associates to work to attain maximum profit. A business model consists of all the products and services that the business wants to sell, its targeted customer base, and the company expenses. Any investor will look at these numbers before investing in the growth of the company. So, a successful business model will attract more investment and growth opportunities. Why is it essential to have a well-curated business model? The two essential levers of a company's business models are pricing and cos